If you are looking for a deck builder in Short Hills, New Jersey, you might be looking for professionals to build you a deck, or you might be looking for experts to create you a porch. While it is easy to find deck builders working from a catalog to install a deck in your backyard, it is much less common to find genuine builders offering you expert services to build you a porch to cover a portion, or the total area, of your backyard deck.
Deck Guardian is an expert in both decks and porches.
In this article, we will demystify porches a bit, by explaining what they are and how useful they are. Keep reading to learn more about porches.
Deck Guardian, Your Porch and Deck Builder in Short Hills, New Jersey
If you are looking for a deck builder and a porch builder in Short Hills, you quickly discovered that it is rare to have a builder offering you the services to build a porch and a deck.
Since Deck Guardian is a genuine builder offering you the services of design, construction, installation, repair, and resurfacing of both decks and porches, that makes us uniquely qualified to work on these structures to complement your outdoor environment.
Craftsmanship and respect for your house architecture are highly important when we talk about a porch. With our varied skills and our extensive experience, we will provide you with a solution that will be the perfect addition to your home.
Contact our experts today to begin your journey towards a great porch addition to your house.
What Is a Porch?
The porches we make are basically roofs on top of your decks. They offer you protection from the elements so you can enjoy time on your deck even when a little rain or a heavy sun could ruin your experience. But this protection is not a simple roof placed on top of your deck that can cover all your deck area or just a portion of it; our porches are created custom to match the exterior of your house and deck in order to get a seamless integration. This adds beauty and value to your house.
Porches are categorized in two large families: open and screened. Both are perfect locations to gather friends or families, or simply to enjoy a relaxed reading moment in peace. Although they have one major difference, both offer protection both for you and for your deck.
1. Open Porch
An open porch will be open to allow full circulation of air and full enjoyment of the light, while the roof is there to protect you from the direct hard sun and a little drizzle. This protection will allow you to be on your deck more often, even when the weather is not perfect, maximizing your investment.
2. Screen Porch
A screened porch will provide you with additional protection. The primary advantage of a screened porch over an open one is that the screens will protect you from flying bugs. The screen products we use come in a great variety of fabrics, providing different options in terms of mesh size, thickness, and materials. This selection of fabrics allows you to get an almost transparent screen or one that provides you with more privacy during the day by blocking additional light. Various factors, like the orientation of your porch, the presence of pets, and the overall general weather in your area, will guide the screen fabric selection.
Besides those important benefits for yourself, a porch will protect your deck boards from direct sun and light rain exposure. This will extend the useful life of your deck boards, protecting your investment. A screened porch will increase this protection by reducing the lateral sun exposure and blocking heavier rain.
If you are looking for deck builders able to build a porch for your house, you see that few offer you that service, since most deck-building companies merely install decks from a catalog. However, there are genuine builders, like us, who can design, build, install, repair, and resurface your porch structure or screens.
Just like decks, a porch structure can be done using wood or composite materials. A composite porch has the same pros and cons a composite deck has. Let our experts answer all your deck- or porch-related questions, including about materials.
If you are looking for a deck builder in Short Hills, New Jersey, to build you a porch, it is much better to deal with Deck Guardian, a professional deck builder that has served your community for many years and has completed many projects in your area.
We are a genuine builder taking care of all the stages of a structure’s life for both decks and porches: design, construction, installation, repairs, and resurfacing. With our background in design, we can easily create the porch of your dream from scratch. It is extremely important that the design of a porch matches your house. Besides being more pleasing to the eye, it is a brilliant investment that will increase the overall value of your home.
With us, you have total liberty in terms of design, materials, and colors, to ensure your porch will be the perfect companion to your house, extending your living area and increasing your enjoyment of being outdoors with friends and family.
Contact us today to discuss the porch or deck of your dreams.